Les techos et autres digital savvies qui passent sur le blog connaissent ChatGPT, mais c’est assez pointu et une majorité d’internautes ne connaissent pas encore. ChatGPT est un « chat » conversationnel avec qui vous pouvez parler à… une intelligence artificielle. Personne en face donc, mais une machine qui ingurgite des tonnes de textes et connaissances et dialogue avec vous.
Vous pouvez tester ChatGPT ici : https://chat.openai.com/chat
Il ne fonctionne pour le moment qu’en anglais.
Je lui ai demandé ce qu’était pour lui (ou elle d’ailleurs) les principes de la self-défense.
Voici sa réponse :

En français, ça donne :
Il existe de nombreux principes et techniques différents en matière d’autodéfense, et les méthodes spécifiques utilisées peuvent varier en fonction de la situation et du niveau d’entraînement de l’individu. Voici quelques-uns des grands principes de l’autodéfense :
1 – Éviter les situations dangereuses : La meilleure façon de se défendre est d’éviter les situations dangereuses dans la mesure du possible. Cela signifie qu’il faut être conscient de son environnement, éviter les zones isolées et ne pas se mettre dans des situations qui pourraient être dangereuses.
2 – Désamorcer la situation : Si vous vous trouvez dans une situation potentiellement dangereuse, votre première priorité doit être d’essayer de désamorcer la situation et de désamorcer toute tension ou agression. Cela peut impliquer de parler calmement, d’utiliser le langage corporel pour indiquer que vous n’êtes pas une menace et d’essayer de trouver un moyen de quitter la situation de manière pacifique.
3 – Utiliser des techniques d’autodéfense non violentes : Si la désescalade n’est pas possible et que vous devez vous défendre, il est important d’utiliser des techniques d’autodéfense non violentes chaque fois que cela est possible. Il peut s’agir d’utiliser votre voix pour appeler à l’aide, d’adopter un langage corporel et une posture défensifs, et d’utiliser des techniques physiques de base pour repousser un agresseur sans lui faire de mal.
4 – Utiliser la force appropriée : Si vous n’êtes pas en mesure de vous défendre en utilisant des techniques non violentes, il peut être nécessaire d’utiliser la force pour vous protéger. Dans cette situation, il est important de n’utiliser que la force nécessaire pour vous protéger et d’éviter de blesser inutilement votre agresseur.
5 – Demander de l’aide : Après une situation d’autodéfense, il est important de chercher de l’aide et du soutien. Cela peut impliquer de contacter les autorités, de consulter un médecin si nécessaire et de parler à des amis ou à des membres de la famille de ce qui s’est passé.
Traduit avec www.DeepL.com/Translator (version gratuite)
Et on peut continuer… mais alors, sur le 1er point, comment éviter des situations dangereuses ?

Etc. etc. y aura bientôt plus besoin de Protegor, ahah !
Amusez-vous bien 🙂
La version anglaise en texte pour info
There are many different principles and techniques involved in self-defense, and the specific methods used can vary depending on the situation and the individual’s level of training. Some of the main principles of self-defense include:
- Avoiding dangerous situations: The best way to defend yourself is to avoid dangerous situations whenever possible. This means being aware of your surroundings, avoiding isolated areas, and not putting yourself in situations that could potentially be harmful.
- De-escalating the situation: If you find yourself in a potentially dangerous situation, your first priority should be to try to de-escalate the situation and defuse any tension or aggression. This can involve talking calmly, using body language to communicate that you are not a threat, and trying to find a way to leave the situation peacefully.
- Using non-violent self-defense techniques: If de-escalation is not possible and you need to defend yourself, it is important to use non-violent self-defense techniques whenever possible. This can involve using your voice to call for help, using defensive body language and posture, and using basic physical techniques to fend off an attacker without causing serious harm.
- Using appropriate force: If you are unable to defend yourself using non-violent techniques, it may be necessary to use force to protect yourself. In this situation, it is important to use only the amount of force that is necessary to protect yourself and to avoid causing unnecessary harm to your attacker.
- Seeking help: After a self-defense situation, it is important to seek help and support. This can involve contacting the authorities, seeking medical attention if necessary, and talking to friends or family members about what happened.
Autre test vraiment intéressant et qui caractérise la puissance de ChatGPT, il ajuste et fine-tune progressivement ==>
Guillaume Morel : could you write me an article about self-defense ?
ChatGPT : Sure! Here is an article on self-defense:
Self-defense is the act of protecting oneself from harm or danger. It is a natural instinct that helps us to survive and protect ourselves and our loved ones from harm. However, self-defense can also be learned and practiced in a more deliberate and structured way.
There are many different approaches to self-defense, but some common elements include:
Awareness: Being aware of your surroundings and paying attention to potential threats can go a long way in helping you to prevent or avoid dangerous situations.
Confidence: Having confidence in your ability to defend yourself can be a powerful deterrent to would-be attackers.
Verbal self-defense: Using words and body language to de-escalate a situation or deter an attacker can be an effective way to protect yourself.
Physical self-defense: If verbal self-defense is not enough, physical self-defense techniques can be used to disable or fend off an attacker. These may include strikes, kicks, and other physical techniques.
It’s important to note that self-defense is not about being aggressive or looking for fights. It is about protecting oneself and finding ways to safely escape dangerous situations.
If you are interested in learning more about self-defense, there are many resources available, including classes and training programs that can teach you the skills and techniques you need to stay safe. It is always a good idea to be prepared and to know how to protect yourself in case of an emergency.
Guillaume Morel : can you elaborate on « physical self-defense »?
ChatGPT : Physical self-defense refers to the use of physical techniques to disable or fend off an attacker in a dangerous situation. These techniques may include strikes, kicks, and other physical movements that are designed to disable or deter the attacker.
It’s important to note that the goal of physical self-defense is not to harm or injure the attacker, but rather to protect oneself and create an opportunity to escape. In some cases, physical self-defense may involve using weapons or other objects that are readily available in the environment, such as pepper spray or a flashlight.
It’s also important to recognize that physical self-defense should be used as a last resort, when all other options, such as verbal self-defense and finding a way to safely escape, have been exhausted.
If you are interested in learning physical self-defense techniques, it is best to seek out a reputable instructor or training program. These programs can teach you the proper techniques and help you to become proficient in using them. It is also a good idea to practice self-defense techniques regularly to stay sharp and prepared.
Guillaume Morel : who are the predators in self-defense?
ChatGPT : In the context of self-defense, predators are individuals who pose a threat to your safety and well-being. This can include strangers who may physically attack you or attempt to rob you, as well as people you know who may attempt to harm you in some way, such as an abusive partner or family member.
It’s important to be aware of potential predators and to take steps to protect yourself from them. This can include staying alert and aware of your surroundings, avoiding potentially dangerous situations, and knowing how to defend yourself if necessary.
It’s also important to recognize that predators can come in many different forms and may not always be easy to spot. For example, they may be disguised as someone you know and trust, or they may present themselves as helpful or friendly in order to gain your trust.
It’s always a good idea to be cautious and to trust your instincts. If you feel unsafe or uncomfortable in a situation, it is important to remove yourself from the situation and seek help if necessary.
Guillaume Morel : what is the most common type of physical assault?
ChatGPT : Physical assault is any intentional act that causes physical harm or injury to another person. There are many different types of physical assault, and the most common type can vary depending on the specific circumstances and location. However, some common types of physical assault include:
Punching or hitting: This type of assault involves using fists or other objects to strike or hit another person.
Kicking: Kicking is another common form of physical assault, and it can be especially harmful if the attacker is wearing shoes or boots.
Strangulation: Strangulation involves cutting off the air supply to the victim’s windpipe, and it can be deadly if not intervened.
Stabbing: Stabbing involves using a sharp object, such as a knife, to puncture the skin and cause injury.
Shooting: Shooting is a type of physical assault that involves using a firearm to cause harm or injury to another person.
It’s important to recognize that physical assault can happen to anyone, and it is never the victim’s fault. If you are the victim of physical assault, it is important to seek help and to report the incident to the authorities if appropriate.
Guillaume Morel : i think you’re forgetting « raping » in your list…
ChatGPT : I apologize for the oversight. You are correct that rape, which is defined as non-consensual sexual contact or penetration, is a form of physical assault. Sexual assault is a serious crime that can have long-lasting physical and emotional effects on the victim.
It’s important to recognize that sexual assault can happen to anyone, regardless of age, gender, or background. If you are the victim of sexual assault, it is important to seek help and support as soon as possible. This can include seeking medical attention, contacting a rape crisis center, and/or reporting the assault to the authorities. It is also important to remember that sexual assault is never the victim’s fault and that it is important to seek justice and hold the perpetrator accountable for their actions.
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